Troubleshooting Striven Sign-In Concerns

We’ve gathered a list of some of the most common concerns regarding accessing the Striven Portals. This compilation aims to provide valuable insights and practical solutions to routine Portal sign-in topics. For convenience, this list has been organized according to Employee Login Concerns and Customer/Vendor Login Concerns.

Employee Specific Login Concerns

Example A: User Roles/Permissions Are Not Configured:

  • Employee User Roles

Employee User Roles provide the ability to select user Permissions depending on what areas of the Striven system Employees should have access to. To create User Roles, navigate to Employees > Security > Roles.

Once the Permissions are chosen for the User Role, you will need to assign the User Role at the Employee Level.

User Roles Management

After you’ve configured the Permissions for the User Roles, navigate to the Employee record by selecting Employees > List from the Striven Navigation bar. Once there, select the Employee record and then assign the User Role:

User access - User Role

  • The Employee is Not a System User

Something to keep in mind when adding new Employees to your system is whether or not you want them to be able to sign in and use the system, or if you just need their details/information recorded in there for administrative purposes. If your Employee is not designated as a System User, there won’t be any Welcome Email sent to their email address and they will not be able to sign in to your system.

By default, Employees will be created as System Users unless you actively select the Not a System User setting when creating them manually. Alternatively, when importing an Employee List, you must include this designation as a column in your Employee Import File.

Employee Not A System User

Example B: Employee Welcome Email is Not Received:

The three (3) most common reasons why an Employee does not receive their Welcome Email to sign in to the Striven system relate to inactive email addresses, System User settings, or attempts to use the wrong email address when signing in. Below, you’ll find some tips for addressing these typical Welcome Email inquiries.

  • The Employee’s Email Address is Inactive

Quite often this occurs when an Employee’s email address is not activated prior to the creation of the Employee record in Striven.

For instance, some companies use a uniform email format for setting up new Employee email addresses (such as first initial, last name and will add new hires and their anticipated email addresses to their Striven system before the email address is even created or configured by their company’s Email Administrator. In this scenario, when Striven attempts to send the Welcome Email, it marks the email address as inactive, so it gets added to Striven’s email bounce list.

In order to resolve this, a member of the Striven Support Team must clear the email address from the bounce list for Striven’s email server. Then the Welcome Email can be resent from their Employee record, or the user can click on the Having Trouble Signing In link on the login page and click Email Activation to gain access to the Striven system.

  • The Employee is Not a System User

If your Employee is not designated as a System User, there won’t be any Welcome Email sent to their email address and they will not be able to sign in to your system.

For more information on making an Employee a System User, see the section on Employee User Roles in the Portal Roles/Permissions Are Not Configured section above.

  • The Employee is Not Using the Proper Email Address

There are a number of reasons why an Employee’s email address may be the culprit with sign in difficulties. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. The email address may be saved to the Employee record with a spelling error or typo.
  2. There is possibly more than one email address saved on the Employee record and they are trying to sign in using one that is not designated as the Primary email address.
  3. An Employee’s email address has changed and was never updated in Striven.


Employee Primary Email

  • The Welcome Email Was Delivered to the Spam/Junk Folder

Sometimes Striven related emails can get flagged as Spam/Junk, which will cause the Welcome Email to be marked as Spam/Junk as well. This can be resolved by either removing the email from the Spam/Junk folder to the user’s inbox, or by reaching out to the Striven Help Desk for assistance with removing the user’s email address from the Spam Reports List to allow the Welcome Email to be delivered.

Addressing these common sign-in challenges will provide effortless access for your Employees when signing into Striven.

Example C: 2FA and Single Sign On

  • 2FA Not Lasting 30 Days

Have you ever observed the need to enter a security code each time you sign in, even when using the same device? The main culprit to this is clearing the cache and cookies on your device, which deletes the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). If this is occurring, check your browser settings and make sure there is nothing set to automatically clear the cache and/or cookies so your 2FA will hold for the thirty (30) days as designed.

The best way to avoid the need to enter a 2FA code when signing in is to use the Single Sign On (SSO) method. This will allow you to bypass the need to manually enter a Username and Password combination with the follow-up 2FA code requirement.

Single Sign On

If you prefer to sign in manually, there's a straightforward solution to maintain your signed-in status without the need to repeatedly input a code. Once you've entered your credentials, simply select the "Keep Me Signed In" checkbox. This should maintain your signed-in status for thirty (30) days before asking for another 2FA code.

Keep Me Signed In

  • Striven Sign In is Restricted

Striven has a feature that will control the way System Users can sign in to the system. This option to Restrict Sign In to Striven to enhance system security, and safeguard users’ data.

Restrict Striven Sign In

When this feature is enabled for a User Role, any System Users with this assigned Role will not be able to sign into Striven using a Username and Password, and will only be able to sign in using Single Sign On through Google or Microsoft.
  • Note: If a user attempts to sign in to Striven using a Username and Password after this feature has been enabled, the user will receive a message stating that they must use Single Sign On to sign in.

Customer/Vendor Specific Login Concerns

Example A: Portal Roles/Permissions Are Not Configured:

  • The Customer/Vendor Does Not Have Adequate Portal Access/Role

In Striven, the Portal Role is specifically designed to offer Customers/Vendors seamless access to their accounts, allowing them to view Order history, track transactions, submit requests, and more. This enhances the engagement and convenience for our Customers/Vendors.

When adding a Customer/Vendor, it is important to ensure that you have set up their Portal Role correctly. To configure the Portal Role, you can navigate to Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Portal > Settings.

Once the Portal Role is created, you can then assign it to the Contact. First, navigate to the Customer Dashboard in which the Contact is associated with. Select the Waffle menu and then select Contacts. Next, choose the Contact record from the list.

Once you are at the Contact record, an important step to take before being able to assign the Portal Role is ensuring Allow access to Striven Customer/Vendor Portal is check marked:

Allow Portal Access Checkbox

Once enabled, you can then assign the Portal Role to the Contact.

Portal Role Dropdown

After configuring the Portal Role, make sure that you enter the correct email address when adding the Contact and click on the checkbox labeled Allow Access to Striven Customer/Vendor Portal. This should provide your Customers/Vendors access to the Customer/Vendor Portal.

Portal Role Email Address

Example B: Customer/Vendor Welcome Email is Not Received:

Portal access settings play a large role in troubleshooting Welcome Email-related concerns for Customer/Vendor Contacts. If Portal access is not provided, no Welcome Email will be sent to the Contact.

  • The Customer/Vendor Does Not Have Portal Access

There are two (2) settings that play an important role in providing your Customer/Vendor Contacts access to the Portal.

If you want to provide Portal access to ALL of your Customer/Vendor Contacts, there is a setting located on the Customer/Vendor Portal Settings page. There you will find a checkbox to Enable Striven Customer/Vendor Portal Access When Contacts Are Added. This setting will provide Portal access to all Customer/Vendor Contacts automatically upon creation of their record in your system. This will also cause the system to automatically send the Portal Welcome Email when the Contacts are added to Striven.

Enable Striven Customer Vendor Portal Access ALL

If you are more selective about which Customer/Vendor Contacts you wish to have access to the Portal, you can configure the setting for Portal access on the Contact Info page. After checking the box for Allow Access to Striven Customer/Vendor Portal, selecting their Portal Role, and then saving the record, you will be given the option to Send Welcome Email to the Contact from the record.

Send Welcome Email

  • The Contact Email is Flagged for Bounce List

Occasionally, a Customer/Vendor Contact’s email will be flagged for Striven’s bounce list if it is identified as spam or junk mail by the Contact’s organization or email provider.

In this case, a member of the Striven Support Team must clear the email address from the bounce list for Striven’s email server. Then the Portal Welcome Email can be resent from the Contact Info page by clicking on the Send Welcome Email link.

Example C: Customer/Vendor Cannot Sign In to the Portal

Sometimes Customers/Vendors will contact you saying they cannot access the Portal. There could be a few causes for this, such as using the wrong URL to sign in, not having the appropriate Portal Access or Portal Role assigned to them, or perhaps they have not activated their Portal Access. Here are some tips for troubleshooting these circumstances:

  • The Customer/Vendor is Trying to Sign In Using the Wrong URL

Sometimes users attempt to use the generic Employee Login URL ( or a company-specific Employee Login URL, such as, instead of the Portal URL for Customers ( or Vendors (

It is important to ensure that Customers/Vendors access the correct Portal based on their type. We have to make sure that we communicate the correct URLs clearly to our Customers/Vendors.

Each sign in page displays the Portal name at the top to ensure users are viewing the correct portal sign in page.

Customer Portal

Vendor Portal

  • Customer/Vendor Has Not Activated Their Access (via Portal Welcome Email)

Upon adding a Portal Contact, a Send Welcome Email link will appear on the Contact Info page once they are assigned a Portal Role. This Welcome Email includes relevant information and instructions for registering on the Striven Customer/Vendor Portal. You will need to click the Send Welcome Email link to ensure the Contact gets the necessary link to access the Portal.

Send Welcome Email Steps

Once this setup is successfully completed, the Contact will be ready to access and log in to the Portal.

Welcome Email Example

In the event that the Password Setup link has not been accessed, the Send Welcome Email option will remain available on the Contacts Info Page. When this occurs, the Account Manager should log in to the system and click on Send Welcome Email once more.

We hope that this post is helpful in resolving common Striven Sign-In questions. For more assistance with Sign-In or other Striven related concerns, feel free to reach out to Striven Support and we will be happy to help! :slight_smile: