Sales Order E-mail Log

It would be nice to be able to see an audit log for e-mails that have been sent from within a specific sales order or purchase order. I know we can look at and overall e-mail log, but if it was accessbile from a specific sales order and purchase order as it relates to that item it would be very helpful.

Hello Jared,

That is a great suggestion! I can see how having an email audit log on Sales Orders and Purchase Orders would be beneficial. This would be a good enhancement request, if you would like to submit one! I do not believe there are any current plans to add an email log to our Orders, but I would be happy to put this on our team’s radar four you. :slight_smile:

Please let me know how I can best assist you!


I agree I would like to see audit logs on purchase orders that quickly let me know if/when I sent an email. Possibly this would be a part of a more thorough overhaul of the audit log functions.

That would be a huge benefit. Like a secondary status that indicated “Sent By Email”, “Sent By Text”, or “Printed”. You could add a custom field for that, but it puts it below the fold. Useful for reports, though. We also added a custom column that is a Date field called Item ETA, for backordered items. I have custom reporting based on those fields so I can gently reinforce their proper use.

For Purchase orders specifically, I created a custom report for POs that lives on the fulfillment person’s dashboard. I added a filter to the “Fulfillment Late List” custom report of stuff I consider late. This particular report has a filter for POs created this year, a filter for POs without a Promise Date that is within the next 30 days, and a filter that has a Status Not Equal To Fulfilled, Closed or Canceled. We fill the Promise Date with the ETA from the vendor after approval. Any PO on this list for more than a few days has an issue…either it wasn’t sent, or the vendor is dropping the ball. The only issue is when the year changes, this report is useless for a few weeks.

I have to add here, that I would LOVE to have the rest of the boolean operators added for field filters in custom reporting. I would really rather have that filter be POs created more than 3/7/14/30 days ago AND doesn’t have a promise date that is within the next 30 days (ideally a way to say Promise Date Equal “null”) to weed out the POs most recently created.

Hello Darin,

That is really good insight and feedback! Thank you for the additional suggestion regarding field filters for custom reporting. If you would like to pursue this via an enhancement request, I would be happy to submit one for you.

Best Regards,

That would be great. I was hoping the upcoming reporting revamp would have already had it. It seems pretty obvious after looking for it.


Darin (DJ) Bricker



Darin (DJ) Bricker
Owner, Picks Gallery

573-348-9100 |

[562 Hwy 42, Osage Beach, MO 65065](Google Maps Hwy 42, Osage Beach, MO 65065)





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Hello Darin,

Thank you for your suggestions. Upcoming report revamp does have some exiting updates to look for and We can always create an enhancement request, if you think any addition might bring value to striven users.

Best Regards,

I just realized my poor choice of punctuation turned an important bit of information into a non-existent link. This needs a better explanation.

As JK-KCFireplace suggests, a critical part to a good ERP is providing guardrails for users so they cannot stray too far from the path. The ERP ensures they remember to perform tasks, know what tasks to perform, and that those tasks are complete. For managers, knowing that a task hasn’t been completed in a timely manner is critical.

Custom report builder is the perfect tool for finding the outliers… or could be. For example, your manager might want to know if one of these discussions had not been responded to in a timely manner. Maybe even embed that report into a dashboard using the Embed External Link Widget.

Easy, right? Custom report! Create a report using discussion posts. Filter them by them by the user of the last comment. They only want to see posts where the last comment is by a Member type, not a Staff Member type, because if the last comment is by a Staff Member, it has been responded to. Then they only want to see those posts that are older than what they deem to be too old to not have a Staff Member response, so they can send that report to the Support Team. They need to define what too long is, so they go look at the options in the report builder.

They to use Date Commented (Period) so they don’t need to manually update the report. They expect to have the same Boolean operator options as Date Commented to choose a date Greater Than something…

Alas, disappointment.

Still, they hope for something in the Value 2 choices like “Last 24 Hours”, “Last 48 Hours”, “Last 3 Days”, “Last 5 Days”… whatever they deem to be “too long”. Again… the disappointment prevails.

Now they’ll need to create a report listing every single one of these posts, use the API to ship it over to Google Sheets, open that sheet, filter it, save a copy of the filtered results and send them to the Support Team. Unfortunately, all of this menial tasking has left them in a foul mood and the tone in the email is slightly less than positive. You and the Support Team take it badly, organize a walk out and the company crumbles.

They end up losing their job, their spouse, their kids, their home and living in a motel converted into weekly rental property on the wrong side of town to be looking for another management career.

All because the report builder didn’t have the same Boolean operators for (Period) Value 1 types as standard value types and made worse by not having useful value 2 types. Tragic.

Greetings Darin,

Thank you for the additional information. I have some good news. Our Report Builder Revamp is officially being released on Sunday, September 22 2024, and i believe that the information you are requesting will be getting added in this “Revamp”. I am going to follow-up with you on the support task, to ensure that it fits your need. Thank you, you have a great day.

At your service,

According to today’s meeting, it does!! Plus so much more!

Now my manager won’t end up living in a van down by the river.

Greetings Darin,

We are very happy to hear this! As Naveen mentioned, we will follow up with you early next week to ensure this meets your need.

Best Regards,