Recruiting Revamp

Recruiting Revamp

We have a recruiting revamp coming up to achieve the following major goals:

  1. Update the candidate dashboard to be similar to other dashboards in Striven
  2. Ability to import candidates
  3. Invite candidates to the Candidate Portal
  4. Allow candidates to claim their profile in Striven
  5. Ability to add SMS Recruiting Steps
  6. Ability to send SMS Updates to Candidates
  7. Replacing Messaging with Striven Discussions

Let us know some ways these ideas above may help in your company’s recruitment process or any other ideas you’d like to share. :slight_smile:

The ability to create stages and labels for candidates in the process to help filter between candidates.
Template links to have a standard for all candidates for interview process like standard questions and responses taken orally. Also spots to put documents that are uploaded in office that links in the “Dashboard” but has a uniform look for each person. The fields you allow us to make required be editable, IE (references, we can add description. Also a extra fields like years known all with in that page.

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HI @AshleyCrest, we definitely understand how these suggestions would be very helpful in the Recruitment Process.Thank you for your well thought ideas! :slightly_smiling_face: