Q3 2023 Release Notes - 09/24/2023

In This Release… [Click here for a video overview of all the new features]

Accounting Updates

New Tax Code Import Feature

A Tax Code import is useful for maintaining accuracy, efficiency, compliance, and consistency in financial and tax-related processes. It helps manage your tax obligations and financial data more effectively while reducing the potential for errors.

With this in mind, we’ve added a Tax Code Import feature to Striven in this latest release. You will now be able to upload Tax Codes into your system using the import tool found on the Tax Agencies List page.

Clicking on the Generate Sample File button on the Import page will allow you to select the columns you will need to import the Tax Codes properly. This will help when mapping the data in your import file to the corresponding fields in Striven.

Merge Field Links for Recurring Price Update Tool

We have updated the Merge Fields for Order Name and Order Number within the Recurring Price Update Tool’s notification email. The Merge Fields now contain hyperlinks to the respective entities within the Customer Portal. Users will now be able to click on the linked content in the email notification and be directed to the Order view in the Portal.

Retain Grouping on Invoices & Change Orders

An enhancement has been implemented to preserve the Item Grouping information from a Sales Order when duplicating the Order or generating new A/R Transactions. Before this release, duplicating a Sales Order did not include copying the Item Groupings. Now, when duplicating a Sales Order, the Item Grouping details from the original Order will also be replicated in the newly created Sales Order.

Item Groups will now be retained with the following actions:

  • Creating a copy of a Sales Order
  • Creating a copy of an Invoice
  • Creating a copy of a Sales Receipt
  • Recurring Change Order is created using the Recurring Price Update Tool
  • Creating a Recurring Invoice
  • Creating a Recurring Sales Receipt

Note: If the Allow Grouping of Line Items for Sales Orders, Invoices, Sales Receipts setting is disabled within Accounting > Sales > Settings, the grouping will only be retained when an Invoice is created from a Sales Order that contained Item Grouping. When this setting is disabled, Item Groups will not be retained when copying a Sales Order or an Invoice.

Calendar Updates

Update to Attendee Images on Appointments

The Striven Calendar has been updated to improve performance when viewing an Appointment, Task, or Opportunity that has a larger number of Attendees or Assignees. In an effort to improve Calendar load times, these Calendar Events will no longer display Attendee/Assignee images if there are more than five (5) people associated with the Events.

Additionally, when viewing an Appointment’s details, when a large number of Attendees are associated with the Appointment the Attendee List will not load the full list at once.

Another feature of the Striven Calendar affected by this update is the Calendar Selection drop-down list. This will now only load the images for people actively being viewed to minimize load times.

This update has also been applied to Private Appointments, which will no longer list Attendees at all when viewing these Events on another user’s Calendar. This update will help maintain privacy in regard to Private Appointment details, as well as help improve Calendar performance.

  • Note: Attendees related to Private Appointments will still be able to see the Attendee images on the Calendar.

Core Settings Updates

Settings & Main Menu Updates

We’ve made a few changes to the Settings and Menus in Striven with this release in order to improve system navigation. Here are brief descriptions of these changes so you will be able to easily locate the settings pages you’re looking for in Striven:

  • This release features a reorganization of the Core Settings menu to reflect the order of the Striven Navigation Menu options.

  • Additionally, several menu categories have been relabeled for clarity.
    • Historical Accounting Migration has been updated to Accounting Migration
    • AP has been updated to Purchasing
    • AR has been updated to Sales

  • Previously, Inventory displayed as a parent category to Items in the settings list. With this update, Items is now the parent category with Inventory listed beneath it.

  • Furthermore, we’ve added an option to select the Items List from both the Customers and Vendors menus. This option will be listed under the Sales section of the Customers Menu, and the Purchasing section of the Vendors menu.

Task Type Settings Updates

The Task Types settings page has been updated to feature a cleaner User Interface. Here are some of the changes you will notice since the release:

  • The large search options at the top of the screen have been removed. You can now search using the magnifying glass icon on the upper right corner.
  • The previous Add button has been replaced by a large plus (+) button next to the Task Types page title.

  • The Task Type Info page has also been updated as well for a faster, more responsive experience. The navigation tabs for Basic Info, Checklist Items, and Custom Fields have been condensed into a Waffle menu next to the title of the Task Type. Clicking the Waffle menu will display the navigation options.

Customer/Vendor Updates

Multi-touch Deprecation

Effective September 24, 2023, Multi-touch Campaigns have been phased out and are no longer accessible or operational in Striven. We have announced this event and communicated with our users to ensure a seamless transition away from this feature to Workflows. However, if you were unable to convert your Multi-touch Campaigns to Workflows prior to this date for any reason, you can use this link to schedule a screen share session with a Striven Help Desk member for assistance setting up new Workflows.

Discussions Updates

Discussion Labels Search Sorted Alphabetically

The Discussions Search feature has been updated to arrange the labels filter in alphabetical order, enhancing the ease of locating the specific label you’re looking for.

Employee Updates

Employee Picture Path Merge Field for Employee Signature

We have added an Employee Picture Path Merge Field for users that desire more advanced styles within their Employee Signatures. This Merge Field will enable you to add a border to your image using HTML image tag lines in combination with the Merge Field.

The Default Employee Signature editor can be found by navigating to Employees > Settings. From this page, you can choose the Employee Picture Path Merge Field from the drop-down list to insert it to the signature where needed.

Using the HTML view within the text editor, you can add an image tag using < img style=“width:(desired width)px;border-radius:(desired border weight)%=” src=“[[Employee-Picture-Path]]”>. This tag will allow you to adjust the size and shape of the image that will appear in the Employee Signature.

Now, the image can appear rounded for a more personalized look.

Inventory Updates

New Item Type - Deposits

In this release, we have added a new Item Type for Deposits. This Item Type functions similarly to a Non-Inventory Item.

Prior to this release, a Discount Item or Fixed Asset Item was used to record Deposits. Now, users will be able to use the Deposit Item Type on A/P and A/R transactions. Deposit Items are also available in the Vendor Portal while creating Bills with proper configuration. The Progress Invoicing feature has been updated with templates that reflect new defaults, including the Deposit Items, as well as the option to invoice based on Deposit item.

Login Updates

Restrict Sign In to SSO

We have introduced a feature that enables you to limit a user’s sign in choice to only using Single Sign On (SSO). You’ll now find a fresh section on the User Role Info page called Restrictions, which includes a checkbox for restricting Striven sign-ins.

Once this box is checked, any System Users with this assigned Role will not be able to sign into Striven using a Username and Password, and will only be able to sign in using Single Sign On through Google or Microsoft.

If a user attempts to sign-in to Striven using a Username and Password after this feature has been enabled, the user will receive a message stating that they must use Single Sign On to sign in.

Portal Updates

Assets List Update

Within the Customer Portal, the Assets List page will now initially display In Service Assets as the default quick filter when the page is loaded. You can subsequently choose another status quick filter to view Assets in a different status, or use the Search feature located in the top right corner of the page to select multiple statuses to display at a time.

Tasks Updates

Dispatch Tasks Page Revamp

In this release, we are unveiling an exciting update to the Dispatch Tasks screen. Now, the Dispatch Tasks page will be more efficient and responsive, while rolling out a fresh look and a new Employee Availability feature to make assigning a Task to an Employee even easier.

The Dispatch screen now has a more streamlined and modern look; simple, straightforward, and easy to navigate.

On mobile devices, the Tasks List will now be displayed by default. This will allow you to navigate to the Employees List by clicking the Employees icon at the top of the screen.

Tasks List Updates

Prior to this release, the top of the page displayed a large Search section which has now been condensed to a pop-up menu instead. The new Search function can be accessed by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon that is located in the upper right hand corner of the Task List. Tasks can be searched by Type, Status, Task Name, Project Type, Project, and Customer/Vendor, with the option to include future tasks. This pop-up window also allows you to save a search and access previous Saved Searches by clicking the Saved Searches tab.

Previously, the Tasks awaiting dispatch were organized in a tree structure. Now, the Tasks awaiting dispatch are neatly organized within collapsible groups that allow them to be viewed clearly and with ease. You can also adjust the width of the Tasks list by clicking and dragging the edge of the section to the width that works best for you.

If you wish to set up the Task Groups, you can achieve this by accessing the Gear Icon. Just click on the gear and then designate the Employees, Pool, or Team that should be associated with the group. You can also select which Task details are displayed.

Sorting the Tasks List is achieved by clicking the downward triangle located beneath the Search icon. The available Sort options are Priority, Start Date, Due Date, Date Created, Last Modified Date, and Last Modified by Me.

Each Task will have a kebab menu which allows you to view the available Task Actions. These actions include View Task, Customer/Vendor Assignments, Assign to Me, and Dispatch.

Dispatch Updates

Speaking of dispatching, there are now multiple options for dispatching Tasks. For single Tasks, you can either click and drag a Task to an Employee, or click Dispatch within the Task Actions and then select the desired Employee or Team to assign the Task to.

  • Note: For mobile users, the latter option will be the easiest way to assign a Task.

To assign multiple tasks to an Employee, the option has been added to press the CTRL key while clicking the particular Tasks you wish to assign. You can then drag the selected Tasks to the Employee of choice.

Employee List Updates

We have additionally upgraded the Employee List side of the page so you now have the ability to sort your Employees by clicking the downward triangle on the Employee List. The Employees can be sorted by Name, Number of Tasks, Task Budget, Number of Appointments, Appointment Hours, and Total [hours].

The Employee List is searchable as well. You are able to filter Employees by Team, Employee Name, Division, Job Title, Shift, or by selecting to display Only Employees with Tasks Past Start Date. These filters are located on the Search popup window displayed by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon in the top right corner of the Employee List section of the page.

Deciding which Employee to assign Tasks to has never been easier, thanks to the updates made to the Employee Summaries. We are excited to introduce a new Employee Availability indicator on each Employee Summary Card! A colored halo around the Employee Image will display the Employee’s current availability.

  • A GREEN halo indicates that the Employee is available.
  • A YELLOW halo indicates that the Employee has an hour or less remaining in their shift.
  • No halo indicates that the Employee is unavailable.

The halos will update automatically without needing to refresh the page.

You can also quickly view the details of an Employee’s workload by clicking on the numbers next to Tasks, Budget, Appointments, and Hours.

Real Time Updates

Gone are the days of needing to refresh the page to see changes made to Assignments or an Employee’s Workload, as the Dispatch page now offers Real Time Updates!

When a Task is assigned to an expanded group, a green flash will appear on the Task and the change will be automatically updated. When a Task is removed from a group, it will be removed without needing to refresh the page.

If you have a group collapsed, changes made to the group may not immediately update. When this occurs, Striven will recognize that changes were made to the information and will display a red alert message advising you to click the refresh button, and the Task Group requiring update will be highlighted in red.

UI Updates

Android and iPhone Add to Home Screen

This update allows multiple shortcuts to be added to Home Screens.

API Additions/Updates

The following API additions/updates have been added with this release:

  • POST /v1/sales-orders/{id}/mark-canceled
  • GET /v1/employees/{id}/custom-fields
  • POST /v1/employees/{id}/custom-fields

AccessKey Owner Name in API Log

We have added the AccessKey Owner name to the API Log for the records that are related to Custom Report API calls.

401 (Unauthorized) Response for Custom Report APIs

Custom Report APIs will now return a 401 (unauthorized) response if the AccessKey for the report is removed. The related API calls will not contribute to the Usage Limit of your Striven subscription.

For more information about our APIs, visit our API Reference Page.

Security Updates

Please review the following settings and adjust your User Roles for these new permissions as needed:

  • “Tax Codes Data Set - Export”
  • “Tax Codes Data Set - API Access”
  • “Tax Codes Data Set”
  • “Tax Codes - Import”

Notifications & Portal Content Additions

The following email and Portal content have been added:

  • Added a new merge field option for Comments in the Happiness Ratings-related notifications.

Report Builder Additions

The following lists updates and additions to the Report Builder Data Sets in this release:

  • Added Last Reconciliation column to the Chart of Accounts Data Set
  • Added the following filters to the Chart of Accounts Data Set:
    • Is Reconcilable
    • Last Reconciliation
    • Last Reconciliation (Period)
  • Added Show Current Only column to the Happiness Rating and the Happiness Rating by Employee Data Sets
  • Added the following columns to the Items Data Set:
    • Reorder Point
    • Reorder Amount
    • Max Quantity
    • Mark Up %
    • Enable Serial Number Tracking
    • Enable Lot Number Tracking
    • Allow Vendor to Include this Item in a Bill
  • Added the following filters to the Items Data Set:
    • Enable Serial Number Tracking
    • Enable Lot Number Tracking
    • Allow Vendor to Include this Item in a Bill
  • Added Qty Billed column to the Purchase Order Details Data Set
  • Added Sales Order Subtotal column to the Sales Orders and the Sales Orders Details Data Sets
  • Added the Map It feature in the Tasks Data Set
  • Added a new Tax Codes Data Set

Unsaved Page Warning Updates

In our last release update, we provided a new feature that checks to ensure any changes or edits to data on a page in Striven are saved before navigating away from the page. In this release, we have expanded that feature to involve the following pages:

  • Company > Settings > Company > Assignment Categories - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Collaboration > Buzz Content Filters
  • Company > Settings > Company > Collaboration > Discussion > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Company > Collaboration > Hub Content Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Currency Settings > Currency Info Page (must have multi-currency turned on to see the list)
  • Company > Settings > Company > Customizations > Categories - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Customizations > Fields - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Customizations > Integrated Links - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Customizations > Links - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Customizations > Lists - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Customizations > Relabel
  • Company > Settings > Company > Goals > Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Holidays - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Locations - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Notification and Portal Content - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Company > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Company > Terms and Conditions - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > 1099 Settings
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Assets > Types - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Assets > Types - Info Page > Waffle Menu > Custom Fields - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Lead Forms - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Opportunities > Categories - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Opportunities > Priorities - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Opportunities > Stages - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Opportunities > Types - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Portal > Integrated Links - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Portal > Roles - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Portal > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Portal > Settings > Manage Widgets > Portal Dashboard Configuration Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Portal > Statement Templates - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Referral Sources - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Customers/Vendors > Workflow > Email Template - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Appointments > Locations - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Appointments > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Appointments > Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Job Titles - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Payroll > File Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Payroll > Pay Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Payroll > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Process > Recruiting Application Results - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Process > Recruiting Steps Library - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Advertising Sources - Info page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Categories - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Custom Fields - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Document Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Job Titles - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Locations - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Recruiting > Recruiting Setup > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Salary Adjustment Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Settings Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Skillsets > Expertise Levels - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Skillsets > Skillsets Setup - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Teams > Team Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Time Off > Settings
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Time Off > Time Off Availability - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Employees > Time Off > Time Off Categories - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Projects > Project Priorities - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Projects > Projects Setup > Project Types - Info Page
  • Company > Settings > Projects > Projects Setup > Divisions - Info page
  • My Profile > Bio
  • My Profile > Info
  • My Profile > Notes
  • My Profile > Signature
  • My Profile > Skills - Info page
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