I can not find a print deposit function in the deposit screen
Hi there! So Striven does not currently have a function to print deposits however a bit of a workaround for this would be, instead of using a deposit slip you could deposit the checks using your mobile device and bank application. Hope this help!
Hi there,
I’d like to learn more as to why you want to print your deposits from Striven. Is this for your record-keeping purposes or is this to send to a third-party? This will help us better understand your goal so we can help with a solution.
New Striven users may be going from a paper deposit slip process to recording their deposits in Striven and Striven doesn’t provide a “Deposit Slip” that’s printable for them to physically hand to a bank teller when making cash and check deposits at their local bank branch. Even competitively, most accounting software that have you record deposits offer an option to print a readable (most times one-page) deposit slip that not-so-techy banking institutions like to get to confirm what the depositor says they’re giving them is what their deposit receipt agrees with.
You can purchase preprinted deposit slip check stock (QB is the most common format)… that’s where given a choice of with “deposit slip and summary” or just summary is helpful.
This is a crappy workaround, but it’s all I’ve been able to come up with… once you have your deposit screen completed you can hit save or before you save it, right-click on your mouse and “print” your browser screen. I have my bank account listed at the top with the last four numbers of our bank account, so I highlight that line and then the total line that shows before the detailed list of what’s being deposited. That way the teller knows which account I’m wanting to deposit to and if we agree on the total deposit being made. I have several clients who bank at several different banks and all of them accept this printout in lieu of an actual deposit slip. Just keep a highlighter handy and with one bank I had to write the whole bank account out for them at the top of the page.