My customer's calendar experience using a scheduling link

I’m receiving complaints from my customers about how they see my availability on the scheduling link I send them. They don’t like having to hunt for an available time, but would prefer a style of rending like Calendly or other dedicated calendar scheduling programs that show multiple blocks that are available or a more comprehensive view of a month.

We very much agree on this that the calendar needs so upgrades and better user experience.

What we do to overcome this is create a non-system user and do blocks of “non available” time.
And then windows of time we want to offer them. This helps with interviews and in our retail store for programming appointments. What I do is have a few “no appointment blocks” that repeat and them sometimes there are two that span the whole day and i reduce one to allow a window like 1-3.

My store I only want them on the hour mark. So I put my appoints for 45 mins and then have a block at the 45 min mark so they can’t book until the next hour. This stops someone from booking at 10:30 and us losing an hour appointment slot.

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Hope this is helpful until they can work on some improvements this department.