How are team efficiency numbers calculated?

How can I calculate my team efficiency numbers in Striven?

Response Time, Total Started On Time and Total Not Started On Time are calculated as below:

  1. Response Time in Hours: Difference between task created date and in progress date or completion date if no In progress date is present
  2. Total Started/Not Started On Time is calculated based on how much time was taken to start the task. It is compared with 0 to determine if a task was started on time. (Details below)
  3. ​In Progress Date is the ‘Task Viewed’ date as seen on the task Audit Log. This is the time when a person assigned to the task views it for the first time.

How is Time taken to start Calculated?

​If Start Date is present on the task

Difference between start date and (in progress date or completion date if no in progress date is present)

​If Start Date is not present

Difference between (task created date + response time setup per task priority) and (in progress date or completion date if no in progress date is present)


The above explanation for date differences does not account for work shift setup per account but the actual calculation does.

Calculations in this report are done at the time the report is run, so changing some dates on task will cause changes in the report values.


Thanks Troy! :slight_smile: That was very helpful!