Happiness Ratings in Striven

What are Happiness Ratings?

The Happiness Rating option is a useful tool when you want to gauge the satisfaction of your Customers, Vendors, and Contacts with the services your Company is providing to them. These ratings can be enabled through your Company Settings for:

  • Tasks
  • Orders
  • Projects
  • Customer/Vendor Portal

Additionally, the scores for these ratings can be designated in your Company Settings.


How does it work?

In addition to enabling the Happiness Ratings in the Company Settings, the Notifications & Portal Content will need to be set to include the proper merge field for the Happiness Rating. An email can be sent when a Task, Order, or Project is completed, giving the Customer/Vendor or Contact the ability to select whether they are Happy, Satisfied, or Unhappy with the work completed.

Given the proper permissions, an internal user, Customer, Vendor, or Contact may also elect to submit their Happiness Rating through your Customer/Vendor Portal by clicking on the Smiley Face button on the top right corner of the Portal screen.


Happiness Rating Comments

Here, your Customer/Vendor or Contact will have the opportunity to provide comments to help you understand why they were, or were not, happy with your work, and perhaps offer suggestions for how to improve their experience. It also gives them a voice to be heard and share ideas or feedback.


This feedback from your Customers/Vendors and Contacts can also be a helpful resource for determining when an Employee should be recognized (perhaps via a Buzz post!) for having made an exceptional effort or gone above and beyond for your Customer.

Reporting on Happiness Ratings

A custom report can be created in Striven to show the results of the Happiness Ratings based on different variables. Selecting Report Builder from the Reports menu will start you on the path to select, configure, and filter the Happiness Rating information you want to report on.


These results will allow you to determine how well your Employees are performing and/or where improvement may be needed.

With the Report Builder, you can average the ratings to get an overall happiness for a particular Customer/Vendor or Contact.

For more info relating to Happiness Ratings, scroll down to the Happiness Ratings section in our Company Setup Guide.

Contact our Striven Support Team with any questions or drop a comment below! :slight_smile:

I would like to comment…There is much more to activating this. I had a very helpful call with our support specialist and there are several steps to take to ensure this works properly.

Hi Jared,

Thank you so much for this information! We always appreciate feedback to better our support for our customers! :slight_smile: