Deactivating Contact Associations

The methods for deactivating Contacts in Striven can vary depending on where you want them deactivated. For example, if you want to remove a Contact Association to a particular Customer/Vendor, the process is different than completely deactivating a Contact from your Striven system. Below are the steps for these processes.

Deactivating Contacts from Customers/Vendors

There are 2 ways to deactivate a Contact’s Association from a particular Customer/Vendor.

From Striven Contact List
If you are deactivating the Contact Association from the Striven Contact List, you will search for the Contact and click on the Associations tab on their record. Once on this tab, you can click the trash icon to disassociate the Contact from that particular Customer/Vendor.

From Customer/Vendor Contact List
If you are deactivating the Contact Association from a Customer/Vendor Contact List, you will need to navigate to the Customer/Vendor Contacts page from the waffle menu on their Dashboard.

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From the Customer/Vendor Contacts page, you can search for the Contact you wish to disassociate from the Customer/Vendor, or you can click the search button and all Associated Contacts will display (provided you didn’t enter any search criteria in the filters). When you’ve located the Contact you’re looking for, click the trash icon to deactivate them from the Customer/Vendor ONLY. They will continue to be an Active Contact in your Striven system unless you deactivate them completely. All other Customer/Vendor Associations will remain.

Deactivating Contacts from your Striven System
Deactivating Contacts from your Customer’s Contact page will not deactivate them as a Contact from your Striven system. In order to deactivate Contacts from your system completely, navigate to
Customers → Contacts.

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This will display the Contacts List, wherein you can search for a specific Contact you wish to deactivate or use the other search filters to find Contacts you want to deactivate based on the search criteria.

Once you have located the Contact’s record, you can click on the trash icon to deactivate their record in your Striven system. You will be presented with a popup asking for confirmation that you want to deactivate the Contact. Click OK and the Contact will disappear from the page.

Note: This Contact record is not deleted, so you can always search the Contacts List for an Inactive Contact and re-activate them if needed.

If you have any questions about Contact Associations, you can visit our Contact Management Guide. :slightly_smiling_face: