Important CRM Settings Before You Start Adding Customers in Striven

A great thing about Striven is having certain information already set for your Customers when they are created in the system. For example, having notification settings already in place when the Customer is added saves steps in the Customer set up process and therefore can make your day to day more efficient.

To view your CRM Settings, navigate to Company → Settings → Customers/Vendors → Settings.

Let’s review some important CRM Settings you should consider before you begin adding Customers into your Striven system.

Customer/Vendor Settings

  • Default Customer/Vendor Status: Setting the default status will allow you to determine if a Customer is automatically set as a Prospect or Active Customer.

  • Default Customer/Vendor Type: If you primarily work with Vendors more than Customers, this setting will allow you to designate that when you enter an account in Striven, it will default to a Vendor instead of a Customer. By default, this will be set to Customer.



  • Set Primary Contact as Recipient for: In this section you can mark the Primary Contact to automatically be set for certain transaction or Tasks notifications. This is a great way to make sure there is always someone being notified when certain things in Striven are created or updated.

  • Set Sales Order Contact as Recipient for: This option will allow you to have the contact that is set on a Sales Order be the one to receive notifications about the related transactions such as Invoices, Credits, or Payments.

  • Set Requested By as Recipient for: The Requested By on Tasks can be set here to automatically receive notifications for when the Task is Created, In Progress or marked as Done.


Default Assignments for a Customer

  • User creating a Customer: This setting will set the logged in user as the Assignment for a Customer when they are the one creating the Customer. Once you select this option, you can choose which Assignment Category will be chosen in these scenarios.
  • Sales Rep assigned to a Sales Order when it is created: This will set the Sales Rep on an order to be assigned at the Customer level as well when they create the Sales Order. Once you select this option, you can choose which Assignment Category will be chosen in these scenarios.
  • User assigned to Opportunity when it is created: Once an Opportunity is created, the system will set the user who created the Opportunity to be assigned to the Customer. Once you select this option, you can choose which Assignment Category will be chosen in these scenarios.


Another important settings page to check before you begin adding Customers into Striven would be the Portal Settings page.

To view the Portal Settings Page, navigate to Company → Settings → Customers/Vendors → Portal → Settings.

Now, let’s review important Portal Settings that should be configured before you begin adding Customer contacts into Striven.

Access Settings

  • Allow Striven Partner Portal Access On Creation: If this option is turned on, then when a Customer Contact is added to Striven, they will receive Portal Access automatically. Once this setting is selected, you can choose a default Portal Role for the Contacts as well as Employees logging into the Portal from the Customer’s Dashboard.


Setting up these options ahead of time will definitely save you steps in your Customer set up process later. Allowing Striven to default certain information is another way the system allows you to be more efficient and save time!