Company Setup Guide - Email Relay Settings & Email Clean Up

Email Relay & Clean Up 4

If you choose to use your own Email Relay to send notifications from your Striven system, you can configure this feature on the Striven Email Relay Settings page. You can input server information, enable SSL encryption, and specify a Notification From Address in order to avoid being marked as Spam. For further details on these settings, visit the Email Relay Settings section of our Striven Company Setup User Guide.

The Email Clean Up is a quick and convenient tool to remove certain email addresses from your Striven system. Non-deliverable email addresses can be added to the Email Clean Up page after a mass email is sent so that you do not accidentally email them again. This will help limit the non-deliverable responses you receive and allow more time to focus on other important tasks. You can use the Striven Search to access the Email Clean Up, or follow the navigation steps below:

Company → Settings → Company → Email Clean-Up. You can also browse our Striven Business Software YouTube channel for other useful Company Setup topics.