View Descriptions in Item Groups

It would be beneficial to be able to see the item description within an item group on the sales order. Currently you just see the item name (part number) and no description. A lot of the time we have to go to the inventory area and look up the item name to confirm the actual description to ensure it’s use.

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Good Afternoon Jared,

Thank you for this request regarding adding to ability to view descriptions in item groups. We have created a task for you to move forward with your request, and will continue to communicate with you further through that task

Thank you!

Striven Support Specialist
Schedule Meeting Link

We would also like to have descriptions shown in item groups. Additionally, most systems that use groups offer the ability to show the groups or not at the group level, with a switch on the transaction. Since Striven hasn’t adopted flat-rate job costing/pricing, enabling this feature would allow for more flexibility and information on transactions.

In our case, we flat-rate installations of fireplaces. We have break points based on chimney length for materials, and the same for labor, with a few additional service options. We have an item group for the chimney parts and pieces, for example, “FP Nap 5D 15-25” is the chimney kit for the installation of a Fireplace by Napoleon, using 5D series chimney and allows for 15-25 feet of total chimney, a couple of offsets, firestops, flashing, termination, and some non-inventory sundries. We don’t want the client seeing this list as they largely don’t care. While the flat rate works out very close to the actual 80% of the time, sometimes we win a little and sometimes the client wins a little. We need the warehouse to see this list and be able to efficiently and accurately pull these items. The installers need to see the list and be able to track what exactly was used on the job to maintain actual cost and inventory. No, we don’t want to use paper. This isn’t 1990.

Additionally, we have a labor item group with the various labor items needed to install the fireplace. A preview trip, a rough-in trip, a finish trip, a fire-off/homeowner instruction trip, plus optional services that may be needed due to the jobsite condition, like fixing framing, cleaning a work area or egress, making a return trip because the install could not be completed as scheduled (change order trip). We need the client to see these items and their descriptions. They need to know why we charge more for installation than our competitors, and the list provides value. We need the descriptions so they know what our charges are and the potential cost of items with a zero quantity.

Please let us know what it would cost to move this up the to-do list for the developers.