Unbilled Sales Orders

It would be great to have a field on sales orders that shows the unbilled amount remaining. It is common in our industry that we get a PO that is billed in milestones or “up to” the maximum amount on a PO. We will have multiple invoices on a single sales order and it is nice to know at a glance how much room remains on it.

It would also be nice if when you invoice a sales order that the items - especially unbilled items flow to the invoice. As it is now, it seems to only open a blank invoice carrying over only SO#.

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Hello @rdenzil ,

Thank you so much for this feedback! I will create a task on this for you and keep you updated of any changes.

Have a great day!

I would love this feature. But to help you in the short term a method we use is
I create a copy of the quote in when billing and delete the items off that aren’t being billed. I create my invoice off the bill initially then link it back to the main quote so it shows how much was billed against the approved quote. When needed I can run a report of Approved vs Billed quote and quickly see what’s left/items that changed part #s slightly.

Here is an example of how it shows. We mark the copy quote # bill, and then in our custom column I put in the quantity my techs marked on their “contract install” tickets. If we have large installs we make them a copy of the approved quote each day out there using the quote # and the date and they fill in the qty. they installed in a custom column. I have another report that compares what was "quoted and then one that totals what was installed so everything maths vs what the warehouse pulled. Feel free to reach out if you want more details on this.

That’s a great workaround Ashley! Thank you for that. I will likely revive an old schedule of values invoice template I created in Google Sheets back when I didn’t have a native solution and use that type of custom report to fill it when needed.

I agree that Striven needs native progressive billing and probably a schedule of values option that covers retainage as the contractors looking at this system for their field service companies will need to provide monthly schedule of values invoicing for commercial and government work and will need to be able to account for those transactions at tax time in an easy manner.

This would be a great feature and been asking for this for a couple years. The nice thing about Striven is we are alway able to find a work rounds as Ashley listed. Shower it would be nice if we could work smarter have the system work for us and not have do work around.

Yes! Would love to see this too. The balance remaining and an indicator on each item whether or not it has been billed, like a PO. We would only want to see it if the SO is marked ‘In Progress’ or ‘Completed’.