How can you tell end users apart from Striven employees and is there away to see how many end user are on the site

It would be nice to see how many end users versus Striven employees, are on this site. Is there a way to group or search by and users so if we start a topic to try to get consensus on a feature request. I’d like to know so I Can see if other users see a value in some feature request ideas.

Is there also a way to group and users by categories to know if their field service users that may be interested in the same features versus manufacturers or other types of businesses.

Hi Chris,

We definitely encourage you to engage with any others you see posting on topics such as feature requests. Any time an employee posts it will be obvious it is an employee regarding the topic or feature being discussed. Otherwise, it will be with a community member, like yourself.

If there are topics or features that you are interested in, I recommend posting them in the designated areas within the forum in order to engage the right people who also have an interest in the topic.

It is actually best that when a feature is discussed, all industries have input on it. This way with the right customizations it can help all users of Striven rather than a subsect. Ideally, our goal is to help more people more often when prioritizing the roadmap.