Embedding Google Drive files, documents, or any link super easily in Striven with HTML

As of the Q3 2022 release, Striven no longer supports the solution detailed below. All HTML editors across Striven no longer allow embedding. This change was made to improve security. All HTML formatting must be done inline with HTML tags.

Embedding Google Drive files, documents, or any link super easily in Striven with HTML

The guide walks through the steps you can take to easily embed Google Drive files into anywhere in Striven that allows for custom HTML. Things like tasks, HUB posts, and even certain kinds of text fields scattered all across Striven will work with this solution.

You can also use this same solution to embed any other link you choose, just copy the link you want to your clipboard and then begin from Step 6

To complete each step in this guide, you'll need to have a specific text blaze snippett set up. Here are some instructions for setting that up as well.

Date: August 24, 2022
Author: Brian Rutledge
Source: Tango

1. Open the Google Doc/Slides/Drawing/Sheet etc you want to embed

2. Configure the Share settings appropriately

3. Click Done when everything is set.

For this example, I went with Anyone with the link as a Viewer. This option will ensure the greatest accessibility, but you can restrict further at this stage if needed.

4. In the address bar, find the word "edit" in the URL and change it to the word "preview".

5. Select all the text in the address bar and Copy it to your clipboard

*Be sure not to copy anything else to your clipboard between this step and step 9! If you do, you'll need to repeat this step before you complete step 9.

6. Go to Striven, and navigate to where you want to embed your document

In this example, I navigated to Company>HUB and then added a new HUB Post

Things like tasks, HUB posts, and even certain kinds of text fields scattered all across Striven will work with this solution.

7. Click on ​​HTML

8. Click in the content area at the end of the current HTML so that your cursor is in the location shown below

9. Type "/emb" or whatever shortcut you created for your text blaze snippet

This will automatically add in the proper HTML with your document link!

To set up a text blaze snippet, you can follow the directions in this guide.

10. Click on Design to see how your embedded document looks, then Click on the Save and Close button

11. Congrats! Your document should now be successfully embedded

Plus, the embedded document will dynamically fit the size of the display it is being viewed on thanks to some extra CSS in the HTML to make it responsive.

This workflow was created with Tango.

As of the Q3 2022 release, Striven no longer supports the solution detailed above. All HTML editors across Striven no longer allow embedding. The change was made to improve security. All HTML formatting must be done inline with HTML tags.


Thanks for the update Brian!