Automatically Set Fields on Tasks With Task Types

A great thing about Task Types is that you can have certain fields automatically filled based on your preferences set up within the type. This allows you to save time later by not having to fill in information that could easily have been pre-populated.

To configure your Task Types, you will need to navigate to Company → Settings → Tasks → Tasks Setup → Task Type

Once on your Task Type List, you can choose to edit an existing Task Type by clicking on the name, or you can click Add to create a new Task Type.

Default Assignment

A default Assignment will allow you to set an individual user, Team, Pool, or even an Assignment that is set at the Customer level. Setting a default Assignment is a great way to simplify a process when using Tasks. Users can select the Task Type they need and will not need to determine who it should be assigned to as the system will select that for them. A tag will be listed on the right side of the Assignment options indicating if it is a Team, Pool, or Assignment.


Default Priority

The default Priority is another way to save time by automatically having the appropriate Priority set for this type of Task. This can always be updated once the Task has been created if needed. This is a useful feature as the Employee will not need to decide what the priority of a Task should be set to when they are selecting this specific Task Type.


Budget Hours

If you would like to have a default Budget set on a Task of a particular type when it is created, you will first need to choose the option under Task Field Options for Include Budget Hours. Once you have the Include Budget Hours option enabled, you can then check the box for Default Budget which will enable you to enter a numerical value into the available field. This will automatically set the Budget on your Task when you create one of this type.


Start Date

The Start Date of a Task indicates when work should begin on the Task. To have this pre-configured, you will first need to choose to Include Start Date within the Task Type settings for the option to Auto-Calculate Start Time to show. Once you have this enabled, you will then be able to enter the number of hours you want the Start Date to begin after the Task is created. The amount of hours designated here will be calculated from the Created Date of the Task to set the Start Date accordingly.

Due Date

Similar to the Start Date, the Due Date can also be set to auto-calculate as well. To enable this feature on Tasks you will need to turn on the option Auto-Calculate Due Date which will then display a numerical field that can be filled in. The Due Date will auto-calculate based on the Created Date plus the number of hours you have entered in this field. The reason why this will be calculated based on the Created Date rather than the Start Date is because including a Start Date is optional per Task Type.

Created Task with Above Configurations

With these fields set, you will now notice when you create a Task of this type, the fields will automatically be filled in based on the configurations in your Task Type. Using these settings will save time and make workflows easier for your Employees when using Tasks in Striven.


If you have any question, please reach out to the Striven Support Team