Steps to Perform a Price List Import

Importing Price Lists in Striven should be completed in two simple steps. The first step is to bring in ONLY new Items from the Price List. Once the new Items are imported, we recommend doing a second import to update only the Cost and Price of Items.
  • Note: This CAN be done in one sheet, but to reduce the risk of accidentally overwriting information, we recommend doing the import in two steps.

Step 1: Preparing a Sheet for Importing New Items
For this, refer to our Import Management Guide for importing new Items.

  • In most cases, you will only need to add the Item Type column to your existing list.

    • Most, if not all, Items will be an Inventory Item Type. Use the Non-Inventory Item Type if you do not want to track quantities on hand or have asset values.
  • When the sheet is ready for import, navigate to the Items Import page in your Striven system.

    • Ensure the Update Matching Data checkbox is unchecked.

items import

  • Select the appropriate mapping options for all desired columns and select ignore for the ones that are not needed.

  • After clicking the Next button, you will be presented with a Confirmation page:


Confirm the numbers shown make sense. In most cases you should only see a few Items being created and most being ignored. Review and correct all other exceptions, if applicable.

Step 2: Updating the Cost and Prices of your Items
This step is focused on ensuring that only the Cost and Price data are updated.

  • When the sheet is ready for import, navigate to the Items Import page in your Striven system.
    • This time, ensure the Update Matching Data checkbox is checked.


  • When selecting the field mapping, ONLY select Item Name, Item Cost, and Item Price.

    • If there is other information you would like to update, you can do so with this import, but to reduce the risk of accidentally overwriting, we suggest only updating the Cost and Price data at this time.
  • Click Next to display the import Confirmation page. This should show that no new Items were created and only existing Items were updated.


Below is a list of the recommended and additional suggested columns to include on the Price List:

Minimum recommended columns:

  • Item Name - This has to be unique and is the most common way to find the Item you are looking for.
  • Description - This tends to be longer; descriptions help the customer and others understand more detail about the Item.
  • Item Type - Inventory (in some cases you may use Non-Inventory if you do not wish to track quantities on hand).
  • Manufacturer - This comes from your Vendor List and helps filter products for Price updates.
  • Preferred Vendor - This comes from your Vendor List and helps filter Items for purchasing.
  • Cost - This is the default purchase price when buying the Item.
  • Price - This is the default sales price when selling the Item.
  • Income Account (Can use default)
  • Asset Account (Can use default)
  • Cogs Account (Can use default)

Additional Suggested Columns:

  • Manufacturer Part Number - This is often used as a unique value provided from the manufacturer.
  • Item Number - This can be required to be unique or can be shared; used to help filter and find Items.
  • Category - This helps categorize, filter, and find Items.
  • Reorder Point - This helps with the management of inventory.
  • Default Location - This should be the Location that is used on the most transactions / easiest for the most users - in some cases you may want to select the default storing Location and others the default selling Location.
  • Custom Fields - Additional information to help categorize and identify the Item.
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