As you use Striven, you may end up receiving a new credit card or bank account naturally over time. This post will instruct you on how you can log into your Striven system and update your payment profile so your subscription is now associated with your new payment information. Please follow the steps below:
- Once you are logged into Striven, click on the Striven Diamond menu which is located next to the Profile menu on the Striven Menu Bar on the top left of the screen.
- From the drop-down menu that appears, click on Subscription.
- Once your subscription page loads, you will see a section on the right side of the screen labeled Payment Profiles.
From this list, you can remove any extra payment profiles that are no longer needed, or click the Edit icon to update the existing profile information.
a. It is important to note that you cannot remove the Active Striven Subscription payment profile that is currently paying for your Striven Subscription.
- To add a new payment profile, click Add and select the appropriate Payment Method and required information.
To update the Payment Profile that is paying for your Striven Subscription, click the option for Manage AutoPay.
a. A list of the available payment profiles will be displayed for selection.
For questions, contact the Striven Support Team