There needs to be a way to overcome zero costing at a quick glace. A negative sold qty report would in theory do this. The Serial # report shows you when something is sold at a negative value and doesn’t jive.
As it stands they only way to see when an item “Zero Costs” is through inventory profitability or a GL report. This is with this is that it does show when something sells negative stock. So now if you sell 100 items of something, but only showed 60 of them in that warehouse, or the invoice was dated for the same date the part was received those 40 items are selling at zero but there is NO way to actually see when this is happening.
For states that require you to pay USER tax which is tax on your cost you have no way to accurately report and pay this to make sure you are paying the correct amount. It also is skewing your inventory valuation as it dilutes the value.
For items that are returned or credited on a credit memo it returns these items at a zero unless you have 1 in stock which also does not report a true inventory balance as it records those items into inventory as a negative.
When you receive an item on the same day as you cut the invoice it zero costs every time. I think this has something to do with the “save time” but not 100 percent sure how this ticks.
Inventory evaluation, zero costing, and taxable reports are three things we have ask Striven to improve on for 3 + years we hope to see this feedback put into the report builder revamp but need to be able to report and pay tax liability correctly, and show a true and accurate inventory elevation with out having to data entry or make 1000s of adjustments.