Did You Know? - Helpful Links

Did you know that each page within Striven contains useful and convenient resources to help enhance your user experience?

The Helpful Links feature allows for resources such as Support Guides, instructional videos, and more to be linked directly to pages within Striven. These resources contain detailed information, enabling you to locate How-To’s, processes, and guides related to the page you are viewing.

Helpful Links can be found by selecting the Gear or Kebab icon located in the upper right corner of the pages within your system. A drop-down menu will appear, allowing you to view and select a resource from the links available. Each Helpful Link’s title will describe the type and the topic of the resource. These Helpful Links are being regularly updated and expanded to offer you the most up to date information on Striven’s features.

Helpful Links Demonstration

If you have a suggestion about a Helpful Link you would like to see, leave us a comment below! For any questions, please reach out to our Striven Support Team for assistance. :slight_smile: