Accounting Migration Guide - Importing Inventory

Once you have imported your Open A/R and Open A/P, you will be ready to proceed with your Accounting Migration by importing your Inventory. To do this, you will need to visit the Inventory Adjustments page in Striven to prepare your import file.

  • Note: Please make sure you select Quantity and Value for the type of Adjustment for this step.

Once you have your import file ready, you can upload it by clicking on the Upload Cloud icon or drag/drop the file to the middle of the screen as indicated.

After completing the Inventory Adjustment, it is recommended that you verify your Inventory Asset Account Balance for accuracy. There are a few steps to this part of the process, which you can read about on the Performing an Opening Balance Migration section of our Accounting Migration Guide. You may also want to browse our Striven Business Software YouTube channel for other useful Accounting related topics.

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