Accounting Setup Guide - Accounting Setup

Accounting is a very big part of Striven and the settings are extremely important in order to properly record your financial transactions. When configuring your system, you will need to visit the Accounting Settings page by navigating to:

  • Company → Settings → Accounting → Settings.

This page will provide settings options for your Company’s Fiscal Year Start Date, GL Account numbers, Default AR Account, Default AP Account, Opening Balance Equity Account, Class Tracking, and To Be Deposited Account.

Payment Terms will also need to be configured for Sales Orders, Invoices, Bills, and Purchase Orders. You can locate the settings for these terms by navigating to the related settings in your system.

  • Company → Settings → Accounting → AR → Sales Orders → Payment Terms
  • Company → Settings → Accounting → AR → Invoices → Payment Terms
  • Company → Settings → Accounting → AP → Bills → Payment Terms
  • Company → Settings → Accounting → AP → POs → Payment Terms

Another important accounting related setting is whether you intend to track Classes in your Striven system. Classes are used to separate the finances of your Company, so it is important to ensure you configure these settings before processing transactions. The settings for Class Tracking can be found by navigating to:

  • Company → Settings → Accounting → Classes

For more detailed information about Accounting Setup in your Striven system, please refer to our Accounting Setup User Guide or our Striven Business Software YouTube channel.

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